

"Take a ring with a propose"  is not easy task. All fighters who take a ring with a propose want to beat the opponent, want to win, want to perform that they can do best. They train hard for making those goals and proposes. It's doesn't matter which ring the fighter take. There are ego battles between fighters on the ring. The only thing that make it happen is "training hard".  
Most of fighters (except professional fighters) have something more important things or more priority things than training, like work, school, family, etc...Under those conditions, fighters do their best and show their maximum performance. It makes other people respect those fighters. It's easy to say excuses for "I can't have enough training because...". I don't want to hear those excuses from our fighters. I hope fights from our gym say excuses for making time for training. 

■Blog in English:http://hidemiyoshi.blog135.fc2.com



